Garage Sale Items
Lyndberg Letter

Garage Sale Items

1983 Nissan 4door for Sale

1987 Ford Escort 2door

1982 Chevy Pick up for Sale

Antiques for sale

Custom Made Shelves

Large MDT brand snow blower in good shape. $ 400/offer

Here is some of our misc. for sale: Make us an offer on anything, we'll consider it.

80 bushel feed mixer (used to mix feed for turkeys) with 5 horsepower motor. Some rust. $ 100/offer for mixer alone, $ 450 with motor.

1948 John Deere thrasher (pulled by a tractor) part of an old combine. $ 1500
--2 others for parts. Make offer.

old 5 horsepower motor
$ 400/offer.

To the right:  single tub dexter and antique wagon.  $ 50 each.

2 sets of bench seats for a dodge van, exellant condition. $ 10 each. One bench seat for 1970's Jeep, make offer.

Set of 4 16" Goodyear Wranger AP tires

Set of 4wheeler tires 22x11.00-9. $ 200 for set.

Brand new radiator for 1996 V10 Dodge pickup. Never been out of the box. Would normally cost over $ 400 . $ 75/offer.

Tents and big camp coolers, 20 and 40 gallon propane tanks, fishing poles, etc.. Make us an offer.

2 complete sets of covered luggage racks for top of the car (black and white) $ 40 each set.

Tredmill. $ 100

trampoline, like new. $ 50.

Camping equipment: tents, coolers, fishing poles, etc. Make offer.

Antique Twin tub dexter in very good condition. $ 100.

Antique Milk Can. $ 50
Autographed Baseball Bat. $ 150/offer

Rocking Chair. $ 30/offer